Fish & Fisheries

"Scientists Study Stormwater, Deadly To Salmon"

"Just hours into the experiment, the prognosis was grim for salmon that had been submerged in rain runoff collected from one of Seattle's busiest highways. One by one, the fish were removed from a tank filled with coffee-colored water and inspected: They were rigid. Their typically red gills were gray."

Source: AP, 11/17/2014

"Fish in American Waters Are Experiencing Population Rebounds"

"Nearly two dozen species of Pacific groundfish, including snapper, Dover sole, and dogfish, and Atlantic haddock, among others, are all making a comeback. The rebounds can be attributed to the passing of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and the US management system."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 11/11/2014

Living in Harm’s Way: Louisiana’s Struggle Between Land and Sea

After Katrina, Louisiana may have hit the national spotlight for a time, but coastal communities elsewhere around the country will have to find their own answers to the question “Why does anyone still live there in harm’s way?” — even as more and more people move toward the coast and the water moves ever closer to them.

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Chesapeake Cleanup Would Bring Economic Benefit Of $22.5 Billion: Study

The Chesapeake Bay region would reap an additional $22.5 billion a year from improved hurricane protection, crab and fish production and climate stability if the Obama administration's contested plan to clean up the watershed proceeds, an environmental group says."

Source: AP, 10/07/2014


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