Fish & Fisheries

"Federal Judge Strikes Down Trump Rule Governing Water Pollution"

"A federal judge on Monday struck down a Trump-era environmental rule that drastically limited federal restrictions against pollution of millions of streams, wetlands and marshes across the country."

Source: NYTimes, 08/31/2021

"Megadrought to Pit Fish Lives Against Human Needs in U.S. West"

"Water cuts aimed at farmers amid the West’s megadrought have set the stage for bitter legal and political fights over one of the most overlooked water uses—the right of water to remain in streams to sustain fish and endangered species, lawyers say."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 08/24/2021

Exxon Guyana Coast Oil Drilling Gamble ‘Poses Major Environmental Risk’

"ExxonMobil’s huge new Guyana project faces charges of a disregard for safety from experts who claim the company has failed to adequately prepare for possible disaster, the Guardian and Floodlight have found."

Source: Guardian, 08/18/2021

"Fishers Struggle as Fish Head for the Poles"

"As climate change raises the ocean’s temperature, some fish species are moving poleward to cooler waters. In the United States, as elsewhere, commercial fishers are trying to adapt. But as a new study of trawler communities along the US east coast documents, fishers’ efforts to adjust are being constrained by a regulatory environment that isn’t adapting with them."

Source: Hakai, 08/17/2021

"Group Cites Chemical Concerns At Military Sites Near Bay"

"The groundwater of at least nine military installations near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Virginia is contaminated with high levels of toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals,” according to a report Wednesday by an environmental group that cites Defense Department records."

Source: AP, 08/13/2021

"EPA Ordered To Update Rules On Oil Spill-Fighting Chemicals"

"A federal judge ruled Monday that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency must update nearly three-decade-old regulations about the chemicals that can be used to disperse offshore oil spills, which some environmental groups contend cause serious health problems."

Source: AP, 08/11/2021

"Drought Hits South American River, Threatening Vast Ecosystem"

"The Paraná River, one of the main commercial waterways in South America, has reached its lowest level in nearly 80 years due to a prolonged drought in Brazil that scientists attribute to climate change. At peril is a vast ecosystem that includes potable water for 40 million people, the livelihood of fishing communities and farmers, and the navigability of a major grain export hub."


Source: AP, 08/09/2021

"Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone 10 Times Bigger Than Lake Pontchartrain"

"This summer's low-oxygen dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico along the Louisiana coast covered 6,334 square miles - 10 times the size of Lake Pontchartrain and well above the average size for the past five years, researchers said Tuesday."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 08/04/2021


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