Fish & Fisheries

Delving Into Drones

Veteran National Geographic photojournalist Peter Essick offers practical advice on learning to fly your own drone. Plus, he shares insights and photos from his most recent drone project, capturing the restoration of the Great Lakes, and explains why he sees the combination of drone photography and environmental journalism as a match made in heaven.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Drones and Photojournalism — Elevating the Craft to New Heights

A match made in heaven — that’s how veteran National Geographic photojournalist Peter Essick sees the combination of drone photography and environmental journalism. In the latest EJ InSight, Essick shares insights and photos from his most recent drone project, capturing the restoration of the Great Lakes. Plus, in a sidebar, Essick gives practical advice on learning to fly your own drone.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Conowingo Dam Operator Settles For $200 Million Chesapeake Bay Cleanup

"Conowingo Dam owner Exelon Corp. and the state of Maryland have reached a settlement under which the Chicago-based energy company will invest $200 million to clean up the Susquehanna River, and, by extension, the Chesapeake Bay."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 10/30/2019

Federal Judge Restores Ban on Fishing Net That Entangles Whale Species

"Environmentalists hoping to save the North Atlantic right whale won a case in federal court in Washington, D.C., Monday, banning walls of fishing net that entangle the species, which has been on the brink of extinction since the 1970s."

Source: Courthouse News Service, 10/29/2019

"Environmental Groups Sue Over Trump Rollback of Waters Rule"

"The National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, and nine other groups sued Oct. 23 in the U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina, accusing the federal government of breaking the law in its rollback of the 2015 Clean Water Rule."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 10/24/2019


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