
September 16, 2020 to September 30, 2020

SEJ's 30th Anniversary Conference (Part 1), Virtual, Sept 2020

Registration is now open for part one of SEJ's 30th Anniversary Conference:
#SEJ2020 Virtual Conference, September 16, 17, 23 and 30, will convene the SEJ community to investigate environmental angles on the 2020 elections and other timely events, celebrate the winners of the SEJ Awards for Reporting on the Environment, and preview workshops, tours and panels coming in June. Part two, the in-person conference in Boise, takes place June 2-6 (#SEJ2021). Special thanks to our partners at Boise State University and the city of Boise for graciously adapting to these changes necessary to protect everyone's health. Go to the conference website.


SEJ's 30th Anniversary Conference, Sept. 2020

#SEJ2020, our first-ever virtual conference, took place September 16, 17, 23 and 30. Registered attendees can watch recordings of #SEJ2020 in the Whova app.


"High-Tech Chestnuts: US To Consider Genetically Altered Tree"

"Chestnuts harvested from high branches on a chilly fall morning look typical: they’re marble sized, russet colored and nestled in prickly burs. But many are like no other nuts in nature. In a feat of genetic engineering, about half the chestnuts collected at this college experiment station feature a gene that provides resistance to blight that virtually wiped out the American chestnut tree generations ago."

Source: AP, 11/07/2019

“Giants of the Monsoon Forest: Living and Working With Elephants”

A new book, “Giants of the Monsoon Forest,” offers an intimate look at the lives of working elephants in conflict-ridden Myanmar, where one of the planet’s most majestic animals faces increasing pressures. BookShelf reviewer Melody Kemp, based in Laos, describes her own experience with elephants, their surprising history with man and hopeful possibilities for their future.

SEJ Publication Types: 
November 13, 2019

Webinar: Using Global Forest Watch

Mongabay and Global Forest Watch offer an online training at 10:00 a.m. ET to demonstrate how journalists can use GFW tools to add evidence to news articles, and more. Free registration required.


"Southern California Endures Second Straight Day Of Wind-Stoked Wildfires

"A fresh spate of Southern California wildfires roared to life on Thursday, destroying homes and forcing evacuations, as the region faced a second day of explosively fierce Santa Ana winds that have fanned flames, displacing thousands of residents."

Source: Reuters, 11/01/2019


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