
April 26, 2021

SEJ Webinar: The U.S. Climate Summit — What Comes Next?

This #SEJ2021 webinar will provide an overview of the flurry of federal climate change activity since Biden took office. Hear from leaders in business, environmental justice and the climate youth movement on what comes next, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET.


Biden Picks Energy Lawyer Tommy Beaudreau As Interior’s No. 2 Official

"President Biden announced Wednesday that he will nominate Tommy Beaudreau to be deputy secretary of the Interior Department, ending a standoff between the White House and senators from fossil-fuel-rich states who derailed the president’s first choice."

Source: Washington Post, 04/15/2021
April 21, 2021

ACG Webinar: Climate Change and Energy Policy at the State Level

The Aspen Institute Germany and the American Council on Germany invite you to a virtual discussion on the challenges posed by climate change and energy, and to explore collaboration at state level. 12pm ET.


California Unveils Sweeping Wildfire Prevention Plan Amid Record Losses

"After the worst fire season in California history and as drought conditions raise fears of what’s to come, Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders unveiled a $536-million proposal Thursday to boost efforts at firefighting and a variety of prevention measures, including vegetation management and the construction of fire-resistant structures across the state."

Source: LA Times, 04/12/2021

"Interior Solicitor Nominee Pushed For Stronger Tribal Protections"

"As an academic, Robert Anderson advocated giving sharper "teeth" to policies requiring outreach to Native Americans and called "intriguing" a move to enhance the clout of the Interior Department's top American Indian affairs official. Now, as the Biden administration's newly named nominee to serve as Interior solicitor, the law school professor could be much closer to putting his tribe-empowering ideas into practice."

Source: E&E News, 04/09/2021
April 14, 2021

Climate and Gender Justice: Addressing the Climate Crisis with an Intersectional Feminist Approach

Join 1014 and the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy for a discussion about gendered and racialized inequalities of the climate crisis with Natalia Cardona Sanchez and Leonie Bremer; and moderated by Kristina Lunz. 12pm ET.


Replacing the Nation’s Lead Lines Begins With Locating Them

One especially ambitious element of the Biden infrastructure plan would swap out millions of lead pipes. It’s a massive, costly endeavor, but could remove from the country’s water supply a neurotoxin that harms human health, especially of kids and the poor. TipSheet looks at the new plan and offers ideas for reporting the story in your area.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"White House Environmental Justice Focus Casts EPA in Shadows"

"President Joe Biden’s push to elevate racial justice and the needs of disadvantaged communities is starting to overshadow a key player at the forefront of environmental justice for more than two decades: the Environmental Protection Agency."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 03/31/2021

"Biden Announces Environmental Justice Advisers"

"The White House today [Monday] announced a group of community leaders and green activists to join the Council on Environmental Quality's Environmental Justice Advisory Council. Members include Texas professor Robert Bullard, regarded as the father of the environmental justice movement."

Source: E&E News, 03/30/2021


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