
Schumer Tees Up Bipartisan Infrastructure Vote After GOPers Urge Delay

"U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said on Monday he would set a procedural vote on a bipartisan infrastructure package that is a key part of Democratic President Joe Biden's agenda for Wednesday, increasing pressure on negotiators as they struggled with ways to pay for the cost of the measure."

Source: Reuters, 07/20/2021

"What The Budget Deal Means For Climate Policy"

"Many Democrats were in high spirits yesterday after agreeing to a $3.5 trillion budget resolution that will lay the groundwork for an array of climate priorities, but their celebrations will be short-lived as they begin jockeying over policy specifics and the complex rules that govern the reconciliation process."

Source: E&E News, 07/16/2021

"Democrats Propose $3.5 Trillion Budget to Advance With Infrastructure Deal"

"Top Democrats announced on Tuesday evening that they had reached agreement on an expansive $3.5 trillion budget blueprint, including plans to pour money into addressing climate change and expanding Medicare among an array of other Democratic priorities, that they plan to advance alongside a bipartisan infrastructure deal."

Source: NYTimes, 07/14/2021


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