
FERC Recommends Revising Reliability Standards For Extreme Weather

"The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Thursday recommended revising reliability standards for power grid and natural gas infrastructure to avoid issues during extreme weather, as part of findings from a report on winter storm Elliott in 2022."

Source: Reuters, 09/25/2023

Group Of 25 US Governors Promises To Install 20 Million Heat Pumps By 2030

"Buildings, particularly older ones and those with poor energy efficiency, account for 31 percent of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions. ... On Thursday, the U.S. Climate Alliance, an association of 25 governors of states accounting for half of the country’s population, announced a major move to reduce those emissions, cut utility bills, and create jobs."

Source: Grist, 09/25/2023

"New Orleans Declares Emergency Over Saltwater Intrusion In Drinking Water"

"The New Orleans mayor, LaToya Cantrell, signed an emergency declaration for the city on Friday amid concerns about saltwater from the the Gulf of Mexico that has been creeping up the drought-hit Mississippi River in Louisiana."

Source: Guardian, 09/25/2023

Funding To Replace Lead Pipes Is Just the Start of the Story

Billions of dollars in federal funding to get rid of lead pipes is only the beginning — now the pipes have to be located, removed and replaced. And the latest TipSheet says that’s a story that’s found in many U.S. communities, so is ripe for local reporting. Here’s the backstory and why it matters, along with more than a dozen story ideas and reporting resources.

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Disabilities and Disasters — What Questions Should You Be Asking Planners?

As hurricane season ramps up, how are the disaster planners considering those with disabilities in your community? Texas-based journalist Greg Harman shares the story of one group that sued their city over claims it failed to properly prepare. And he extracts some rules of thumb to help determine if emergency planners are taking those with disabilities into consideration where you are.

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"Chicago Mayor Unveils Reforms to Fight Environmental Racism"

"Promising to end the practice of piling on more environmental burdens to the same South and West Side communities, Mayor Brandon Johnson is proposing a series of reforms aimed at changing city practices after federal investigators last year determined Chicago violates the civil rights of its residents by concentrating polluting businesses in Black and Brown communities."

Source: Chicago Sun-Times, 09/21/2023


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