
Oil Firm's Plan To Abandon 1,700 Gulf Wells Risks 'Environmental Disaster'

"A Houston oil company that grew into one of the largest producers in the Gulf of Mexico before going bust last year is planning to abandon hundreds of oil wells and pipelines it acquired over the last decade, potentially adding to the fast-growing tangle of neglected oil and gas infrastructure off the Louisiana coast."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 07/06/2021

House, Setting Marker for Talks, Passes $715 Billion Infrastructure Bill

"The House on Thursday laid down its marker for this month’s infrastructure negotiations, approving a five-year, $715 billion transportation and drinking water bill that would do more to combat climate change than the Senate’s bipartisan measure embraced by President Biden."

Source: NYTimes, 07/02/2021

WH Says Bipartisan Deal Will Get Rid Of All Of The Country's Lead Pipes

"The bipartisan infrastructure agreement reached last week will get rid of all of the country's lead pipes and service lines, according to a new White House memo, but it's not clear how long it will take."

Source: The Hill, 06/30/2021

"Pacific Northwest Bakes Under Once-In-A-Millennium Heat Dome"

"The heat wave baking the U.S. Pacific Northwest and British Columbia, Canada, is of an intensity never recorded by modern humans. By one measure it is more rare than a once in a 1,000 year event — which means that if you could live in this particular spot for 1,000 years, you'd likely only experience a heat dome like this once, if ever."

Source: CBS News, 06/29/2021

AOC, Bowman Join Protesters at White House Demanding Climate Action

"New York Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman joined progressive activists for a protest outside the White House on Monday to demand that President Biden’s infrastructure plan prioritizes the fight against climate change, signaling he could run into resistance from members of his own party as he focuses on passing a bipartisan bill through Congress."

Source: NY Daily News, 06/29/2021

Solar Panel Stories Can Shine for Local, Regional Reporters

As the solar panel business resurges, the wide scope of possible regional and local story angles — climate, tech, consumer, business, jobs, air quality and grid reliability — make bright prospects for journalists. The latest TipSheet sets out recent political and market developments, along with more than a dozen story ideas and reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Miami Tower Collapse Stokes New Fears Of Rising Seas"

"The deadly collapse of a 12-story condominium tower on a barrier island north of Miami Beach early Thursday morning has spurred new calls to survey buildings in areas vulnerable to sea level rise and subsidence, highlighting one of the lesser-known threats of climate change."

Source: HuffPost, 06/28/2021

"Infrastructure Deal Is Back on Track After Biden’s Assurances"

"A fragile bipartisan infrastructure deal appeared to be moving forward once again on Sunday, as moderate Republicans said they had been reassured that President Biden would not hold it hostage while Democrats simultaneously work on a larger, partisan economic package."

Source: NYTimes, 06/28/2021


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