Journalism & Media

Algae — Society’s Big, Green … and Emerging Menace

It’s poisoning fresh waters across the United States, as well as elsewhere in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. Blue-green algae is on the rise, lingering later and later into the year. Our new Issue Backgrounder explains the contributing factors behind the potent toxin’s scourge, its societal and public health ramifications, and the many angles and resources to tell the story.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Trailing the Wind, With Massive Turbine Spreadsheet

Wind turbines are everywhere in the United States these days. And now a growing database allows you to track them down by the thousands so you can better report the burgeoning wind energy beat. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox tells you who’s behind this invaluable database, plus smart ways to use it for your coverage.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Texas Uses Fossil Protest Law Against Climbers Who Shut Down Oil Port

"A group of activists who shut down one of the nation's largest oil ports by hanging off a bridge over the Houston Ship Channel have been charged under a new Texas law that imposes harsh penalties for disrupting the operations of fossil fuel infrastructure."

Source: InsideClimate News, 09/17/2019

"Five Major 2020 Democrats To Skip This Week's MSNBC Climate Forum"

"At least five high-profile Democrats running for president will not be attending a town hall airing on MSNBC this week focused on climate change — an issue many in the 2020 field count among the most urgent facing the United States and the world."

Source: Washington Post, 09/17/2019

“Trade Secret” Chemicals Injected Nearly 11,000 Times at Ohio Frack Wells

"A new analysis by the nonprofit, Partnership for Policy Integrity finds that “trade secret” chemicals were injected into gas and oil wells nearly 11-thousand times in Ohio for over five years."

Source: Allegheny Front, 09/16/2019


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