Journalism & Media

May 20, 2024 to May 21, 2024

Native Broadcast Summit

The theme of the 2024 Native Broadcast Summit in Phoenix, AZ is "Globalizing Indigenous Storytelling." This annual event supports capacity building and professional development opportunities specifically for broadcasters and media makers serving Indian Country.

Topics on the Beat: 
December 17, 2023

DEADLINE: IWMF Kim Wall Memorial Fund

The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) annually awards $5,000 reporting grants to women or non-binary journalists who carry forward Swedish journalist Kim Wall's legacy of covering important, underreported stories from around the world. Deadline: Dec 17, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 
January 15, 2024

DEADLINE: NYU Arthur L. Carter Global Journalist Fellowship

This fellowship provides support to international journalists who enroll in one of nine graduate programs in journalism at New York University's Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute (including Science, Health and Environmental Reporting). Deadline: Jan 15, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

White House Got Almost Everything Wrong About The Latest Climate Report

On Monday, when asked about the [National Assessment] report’s conclusion that climate change will wreak havoc on the US economy, President Trump said “I don’t believe it.” Yesterday, the White House doubled down on its climate denial, with Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders questioning the methodology and conclusions of the climate report and saying it was “not based on facts.” That phrase is a fitting description for the talking points offered up by the White House. With one exception, none of these points is factually accurate:"

Field Reporting Yields ‘Impact’ for Poaching Package

A freelancer’s coverage of the international wildlife trade won one of the Society of Environmental Journalists’ top journalism awards this year for its combination of “fearless reporting and graceful writing.” SEJournal Online talks with award-winner Rachel Nuwer about the series, the benefits of field reporting and the project’s challenges, such as securing funding, all in the latest Inside Story Q&A. And good news for Inside Story fans — the quarterly feature is now upping its frequency to bi-monthly!

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