Journalism & Media

"Racketeering Lawsuit By Dakota Access Developer Dismissed"

"A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a $1 billion racketeering lawsuit that the developer of the Dakota Access oil pipeline filed against environmental groups and activists, saying he found no evidence of a coordinated criminal enterprise."

Source: AP, 02/15/2019
June 10, 2024

DEADLINE: Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication

The BBVA Foundation of Spain's award recognizes the work of professionals in any country that have contributed exceptionally to improving public understanding and awareness of ecological issues, especially in the areas of biodiversity conservation and climate change. Cash prize of 100,000 euros. Deadline is Jun 10, 2024.


Enviros Sue The Corps For Not Turning Over Records On Formosa Plastics

"The Center for Biological Diversity filed suit against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Tuesday (Feb. 12) saying the agency failed to turn over records related to a plant proposed in St. James Parish."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 02/13/2019

Is the Green New Deal for Real?

The Green New Deal may be just a broad outline, even after the recent introduction of a resolution in Congress. But don’t think the lack of specificity means the Green New Deal won’t be news for the long term. This week’s TipSheet explains the reasons the Green New Deal may endure and why it matters, plus story ideas and resources for journalists covering climate, environmental politics and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Will You Be Our Valentine?

We’re still celebrating Valentine’s Day AND our 29th birthday, which was Feb 14. And we want you to be our Valentine. The Society of Environmental Journalists is the world’s leading group of professional reporters, writers and academics covering energy and environmental issues. Millions of people read, watch or listen to the work of our members on any given day. We believe the job of raising awareness of these issues is critically important.

Please be an ally to the journalists who tell the world's stories. Like us. Support us. Join us. Spread the word about us. We’d simply love it.

Topics on the Beat: 

Be Our Ally This Valentine’s Day

With Valentine's Day this Thursday, here's a question for you. What do you love about our world? The woods, the sky, the wind, the snow? Every day, the members of the Society of Environmental Journalists report about the world, so that the things you love will always be here. This Valentine’s Day, we’re celebrating our 29th birthday. Will you be our Valentine? Will you be an ally to the journalists who tell the world’s stories? Like us. Support us. Join us. Spread the word about us. We’d simply love it.

Topics on the Beat: 

A Flood of Story Grants: SEJ's Fund for Environmental Journalism Awards $19,976 to Support Stories on U.S. Drinking Water and Stormwater

SEJ's Fund for Environmental Journalism has awarded $19,976 for seven new story projects selected through the Winter 2018-2019 round of competition for stories about drinking water and stormwater in the United States. Pictured: Grantee Arizona Daily Star's Tony Davis.



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