Journalism & Media

$90B Whistleblower Suit Filed Against Four Major Chemical Companies

"Four of the country's largest chemical companies have been accused of selling billions of dollars worth of harmful isocyanate chemicals but intentionally concealing their dangers to consumers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the past several decades."

Source: EcoWatch, 09/19/2016

SEJ Joins J-Groups Writing White House on Transparency

The Society of Environmental Journalists joined some 40 other journalism groups in a letter urging the White House to do more on improving the transparency of federal agencies. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest (pictured) had recently claimed President Obama had a good record on transparency in an August 30 letter to the New York Times. But journalism and open-government groups said plenty of problems remained — particularly press office interference with journalists' access to agency officials. See this WatchDog story.

Topics on the Beat: 

Between the Lines: Collaborators in the Chronicling of Destruction and Hope

For the latest installment of Between the Lines, an author Q & A, SEJournal book editor Tom Henry interviewed award-winning children’s nature book author Lynne Cherry, best known for“The Great Kapok Tree,” which sold more than a million copies and became a staple in elementary schools. Cherry speaks about her career, as well as her longstanding collaboration with the late Gary Braasch, a renowned photojournalist and past SEJ member who passed away March 7.  

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Challenge To Presidential Candidates: Debate About Science"

"Climate change. Mental health. Space exploration. Vaccinations. The health of the oceans. Antibiotic-resistant superbugs. These are not the typical meat-and-potatoes topics of presidential debates. Often, the candidates and people who ask them questions skip over such topics entirely. But dozens of non-partisan groups that represent millions of scientists and engineers across the country are eager to change that."

Source: Wash Post, 08/12/2016

Op-Ed: "Embarrassing Photos of Me, Thanks to My Right-Wing Stalkers"

"MIDDLEBURY, Vt. — There are shameful photos of me on the internet. In one series, my groceries are being packed into plastic bags, as I’d forgotten to bring cloth ones. In other shots, I am getting in and out of … cars. There are video snippets of me giving talks, or standing on the street. Sometimes I see the cameraman, sometimes I don’t. The images are often posted to Twitter, reminders that I’m being watched."

Source: NY Times, 08/08/2016


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