Journalism & Media

August 17, 2023

Knight Center Webinar: Generative AI — What Journalists Need To Know About ChatGPT and Other Tools

The Knight Center’s Journalism Courses program is beginning a series of initiatives to help journalists understand the impact of generative AI on the news industry, as well as the opportunities and threats it creates. This brief webinar, at 12:00 p.m. ET,  will be followed next month by an online course on the same topic.

Topics on the Beat: 

‘Circular Economy’ Went From Environmentalist Dream To Marketing Buzzword

"At a conference in Seattle this summer, Coca-Cola set up shop in an exhibition hall to show off one of its most recent sustainability initiatives. A six-foot-tall interactive jukebox invited passersby to listen to “recycled records” — seven audio tracks that, according to Coca-Cola, represent the world’s first album made with recordings of the plastic recycling process."

Source: Grist, 08/14/2023

"Raid of Small Kansas Newspaper Raises Free Press Concerns"

"A small town in Kansas has become a battleground over the First Amendment, after the local police force and county sheriff’s deputies raided the office of The Marion County Record." "The search of Marion County Record’s office led to the seizure of computers, servers and cellphones of reporters and editors."

Source: NYTimes, 08/14/2023

"Host of U.N. Climate Summit Moves To 'Counteract All Negative Press'"

"The United Arab Emirates has hired a strategic communications firm to “counteract all negative press and media reports” about its role in hosting the next United Nations climate summit, known as COP28, according to federal disclosure filings reviewed by The Climate 202."

Source: Washington Post, 08/11/2023

"In DeSantis’ Fla., Schools Get OK For Climate-Denial Videos"

"Climate activists are like Nazis. Wind and solar power pollute the Earth and make life miserable. Recent global and local heat records reflect natural temperature cycles. These are some of the themes of children’s videos produced by an influential conservative advocacy group."

Source: E&E News, 08/08/2023

Uncovering the Environmental Impacts of a Controversial Water Project

Months spent gathering thousands of documents and talking to local residents led reporter Dheeraj Mishra to uncover the negative environmental impacts of a major hydro project in a water-scarce region of India. And his resulting investigative reporting got him noticed in the 2022 Society of Environmental Journalists’ 2022 awards contest. Mishra shares his insights in the new Inside Story Q&A.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Asthma Data — A Starting Point for Key Environment-Health Stories

Whether marginalized communities suffering from asthma or cities cloaked in smoke from far-away wildfires, journalists looking to connect public health and environmental concerns around air pollution will find much of the data they need via the Centers for Disease Control’s asthma surveillance data. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox outlines the source and smart ways to use it.

SEJ Publication Types: 

‘Halliburton Loophole’ Allows Fracking Firms to Avoid Chemical Regulation

"For almost 20 years, U.S. public-health advocates have worried that toxic chemicals are getting into ground water and harming human health because of an exemption to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act that allows operators of oil and gas fracking operations to use chemicals that would be regulated if used for any other purpose."

Source: Inside Climate News, 08/07/2023


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