Journalism & Media

"Big Tech Helps Big Oil Spread Subtle Climate Denialism"

"Fossil-fuel companies’ climate messaging may have changed to fit the new century, but the goal is the same the industry has had for  decades: to delay action and protect profits for as long as possible. Even in the face of an increasingly obvious climate emergency, this message still resonates with many people. Maybe that’s because the biggest social media companies help amplify it."

Source: Bloomberg, 01/24/2023
January 26, 2023

ICFJ Webinar: ChatGPT, Journalism and AI Storytelling

This International Center for Journalists webinar will guide attendees to better understand, cover and effectively utilize and deploy ChatGPT and artificial intelligence (AI), and will explore the key issues regarding ChatGPT currently, how the AI landscape is evolving and what all this means for journalists. 10:30 a.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 
March 5, 2024

DEADLINE: IJA Indigenous Journalism Fellowship

The Indigenous Journalists Association invites applications from current Indigenous, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian, First Nations and Métis college students, undergraduate and graduate, pursuing media degrees. Deadline: Mar 5, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 18, 2023

UT Energy Symposium (Weekly)

The University of Texas at Austin's weekly guest lecture series is free and open to the public, on Tuesdays, 1:30-2:45 p.m. ET, via Zoom or YouTube. Ongoing themes include climate change policy, innovation and diffusion of energy technologies, low-carbon technologies and behavioral aspects of energy consumption.

February 15, 2023

DEADLINE: Indigenous Community Media Fund

Cultural Survival's funding of $6,000-$12,000 provides opportunities for Indigenous community radio stations and media outlets to strengthen their broadcast infrastructure and systems while providing training opportunities to their community journalists. Apply by Feb 15, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 
February 6, 2023

DEADLINE: Indigenous Writers in Residence 2023

Cultural Survival's one-year remote program is an opportunity for Indigenous writers based in the US or Canada to continue their writing, share their expertise and experiences, deepen their knowledge on topics important to them and their communities, and gain experience. Annual and monthly stipend. Apply by Feb 6.

Topics on the Beat: 


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