Natural Resources

Tools and Contacts for Covering Infrastructure

Covering local infrastructure projects often means covering energy and the environment. This week’s TipSheet offers a companion to our special backgrounder on the national infrastructure story emerging out of Washington. We’ve got dozens of resources and links for finding infrastructure news and information from Congress, executive agencies, infrastructure organizations and environmental groups.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Interior Plan To Fund New Projects By Drilling Met With Skepticism

"A new Interior Department plan to build roads in national parks, fix visitors centers and complete other infrastructure projects using money raised by drilling on public lands is facing skepticism from members of Congress and a former senior department official."

Source: The Hill, 02/20/2018

"Public Lands: Zinke 'Supportive' of LWCF But Gives Budget The Ax"

"While the Trump administration offered a tepid vision for the future of the Land and Water Conservation Fund in its fiscal 2019 budget proposal — slashing the program's acquisition budget by 95 percent — the Interior Department insisted Secretary Ryan Zinke remains a steadfast supporter."

Source: E&E Daily, 02/14/2018

"Feds Want Bundy Case Reinstated, Say BLM Officers At Risk"

"Federal prosecutors yesterday filed an appeal that seeks to reinstate a criminal indictment against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and two of his sons, arguing the case's dismissal last month "increases the risk of danger to federal officers executing their duties" on public lands."

Source: Greenwire, 02/09/2018

Judge Curiel, Whom Trump Ripped During Campaign, Will Hear Case on Wall

"A federal judge in California who Donald Trump once derided for his ethnicity will hear a case Friday that could determine the president’s latitude to waive environmental laws, paving the way for his 'big, beautiful' border wall."

Source: McClatchy, 02/06/2018

Modern Land Run? Trump Move Opens Utah To Mining Claims Under 1872 Law

"U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw federal protections from millions of acres of Utah wilderness will reopen much of the iconic terrain to gold, silver, copper, and uranium land claims under a Wild West-era mining law, according to federal officials."

Source: Reuters, 02/01/2018


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