Natural Resources

N America’s Grasslands Slowly Disappearing -- No One’s Paying Attention

"The Great Plains lost more grassland to agriculture in 2014 than the Brazilian Amazon lost to deforestation, says a recent report from the World Wildlife Fund. And it argues that the continued expansion of cropland in the region may be threatening birds, pollinators and even drinking water, while releasing millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. "

Source: Wash Post, 11/30/2016

Watch List for Trump Federal Agency Appointments

Sarah Palin for Interior secretary? Her name is among those being mentioned for top environment and energy posts in the incoming Trump administration. To help you cover the shaping of the new cabinet, the latest TipSheet runs down better-known and lesser-known candidates being floated for EPA, Interior, Energy and Agriculture department chiefs. 

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Will Midnight Monuments Be Coming in Obama’s Final Days?

The Obama administration has already used the century-old Antiquities Act to protect public lands more often than any president perhaps since FDR. Will the outgoing White House make additional controversial last-minute designations? Here are at least five possible locales to watch, in our newest TipSheet. Image: ©

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Battle Lines Over Trump’s Lands Policy Stretch Across 640 Million Acres

"Uranium mines around the Grand Canyon. Oil drilling rigs studding the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. New coal and timber leases in the national forests. States divvying up millions of acres of federal land to dispose of as they wish. To environmental groups, it would be a nightmare. To miners, loggers, ranchers and conservative politicians in resource-dependent areas, it would be about time. Either way, Donald J. Trump’s election presages huge potential change on America’s 640 million acres of federal public lands, from the deep seas east of Maine to the volcanic coasts of Hawaii."

Source: NY Times, 11/18/2016

Lame Duck Congress Has Energy, Enviro Measures on Menu

As the 114th Congress comes to a close, and the likelihood of a dramatically different approach in the coming Congress, a number of environment and energy bills remain unresolved. Our latest TipSheet looks at prospects for measures on water resources, energy, trade, hunting and more. Image: ©

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