Natural Resources

"This Land: As the Mountaintops Fall, a Coal Town Vanishes"

"To reach a lost American place, here just a moment ago, follow a thin country road as it unspools across an Appalachian valley’s grimy floor, past a coal operation or two, a church or two, a village called Twilight. Beware of the truck traffic. Watch out for that car-chasing dog."

Source: NY Times, 04/13/2011
April 14, 2011

Nuts and Bolts of Marcellus Shale Drilling and Fracking

Join an expert panel, hosted by Environmental Law Institute,  in a discussion of developments in Marcellus Shale, where the issues mirror those of other gas fields across the country, and stay tuned for the second installment on May 19, 2011, Policy Implications of Marcellus Shale Drilling and Fracking.

April 13, 2011

American Electric Power Co. v. Connecticut: The Next Landmark Supreme Court Climate Case

On April 19 the Supreme Court will hear arguments to decide whether states and private parties can sue power companies under federal common law for contributing to global warming and compel them to cap CO2 emissions. This panel, hosted by Environmental Law Institute, will discuss and debate the major issues at play and the likely outcome of the case.


"Debate Stirred Over 1st Major US Tar Sands Mine"

"Beneath the lush, green hills of eastern Utah's Uinta Basin, where elk, bear and bison outnumber people, the soil is saturated with a sticky tar that may soon provide a new domestic source of petroleum for the United States. It would be a first-of-its kind project in the country that some fear could be a slippery slope toward widespread wilderness destruction."

Source: AP, 04/11/2011
April 15, 2011

Green Business Forum at the Green Living Show

Join us as leading businesses and NGOs discuss the environmental impacts of Canada’s resource-based economy at The Green Living Show’s Business Forum in Toronto, Ontario. Gain a better understanding of the key economic and environmental issues from key players who outline their challenges and accomplishments as they seek common ground on goals that often compete — profit and the planet.



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