Laws & Regulations

"Thousands of U.S. Homes Have Flooded Over And Over Again. Here’s Where."

"Figures show that the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which covers millions of homeowners across the nation, now has on its books at least 44,000 structures where damage has been covered again and again by taxpayers, in some cases with cumulative payouts that exceed a property’s worth."

Source: Washington Post, 01/11/2024

"Lawmakers Brace For Last-Ditch Fight Over Riders, Cuts"

"House Republicans on Tuesday reaffirmed their commitment to fight for conservative policy riders in fiscal 2024 spending bills, incensing Democratic appropriators and raising the specter of yet another funding stopgap — or a partial shutdown."

Source: E&E News, 01/11/2024

"Norway Moves to Allow Seabed Mining Exploration"

"The Norwegian Parliament voted on Tuesday to authorize the opening of parts of the Norwegian Sea to seabed mining exploration, a move that reflects rising international demand for the metals needed to build batteries for electric vehicles worldwide."

Source: NYTimes, 01/10/2024

Appeals Court Reinstates 2 Iowa 'Ag-Gag' Laws Banning Trespass On Hog Farms

"Iowa Republicans scored a big win in their yearslong battle with animal rights group as a federal appeals court reversed prior decisions striking down two state laws aimed at activists who target livestock feedlots and other agribusinesses to expose alleged animal abuses."

Source: Des Moines Register, 01/09/2024

"Supreme Court Rejects Pebble Mine, Climate And Water Cases"

"The Supreme Court has rebuffed a plea by the state of Alaska to revisit a federal veto of a massive mine, an attempt by oil companies to extract themselves from a climate lawsuit and a petition from West Coast farmers seeking more water from the Klamath River Basin."

Source: E&E News, 01/09/2024

"Berkeley’s Gas Ban Is All But Dead. What Does That Mean For Other Cities?"

"On Tuesday, a federal appeals court decided not to revisit its earlier decision to strike down Berkeley, California’s first-in-the-nation gas ban in new buildings. The ruling dealt a blow to the city of Berkeley, which requested a rehearing after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ initial decision in April, and casts uncertainty over similar policies to electrify buildings in dozens of other cities."

Source: Grist, 01/08/2024

Personal Care Products — Bringing the Problems Home

Health and environmental concerns about some beauty items — like the use of formaldehyde in certain hair straighteners — have started to emerge as a focus for federal regulation. But as the latest TipSheet points out, the response has been slow and fitful. Meanwhile, here are story ideas and resources to help reporters find local angles for this environmental and public health hazard.

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