Laws & Regulations

Energy Speculators Jump on Chance to Lease Public Land at Bargain Rates

"The Trump administration’s policy of encouraging more oil and gas drilling combined with a loophole in federal rules has been a boon for investors with a taste for gambling — and has drawn criticism that it is a bad deal for taxpayers."

Source: NY Times, 11/28/2018

Pollution, Prejudice And Profiteering Politicians In Birmingham, Alabama

"A bribery scandal over contamination cleanup exposes corrupt behavior from trusted leaders. Will the high-level trial and charges bring the neglected community long overdue environmental justice? "

Source: EHN, 11/27/2018

"How Trump Is Ensuring That Greenhouse Gas Emissions Will Rise"

"President Trump had a clear message Monday when asked about the core conclusion of a scientific report issued by his own administration: that climate change will batter the nation’s economy. “I don’t believe it,” he said."

Source: NY Times, 11/27/2018

Flood Insurance Reform Remains Key Congressional Task

With flooding from hurricanes and other climate disasters becoming the new normal, badly needed flood insurance reform continues to founder in the halls of Congress. The National Flood Insurance Program is billions of dollars in debt, and aid packages are doing little to get people out of flood-prone areas. Congress watchers will keep an eye on new House leadership for insurance solutions, although politically unpalatable rate hikes swamped the big reform. This week’s TipSheet has more on the story, with leads on what to watch in 2019.

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Pruitt’s EPA Rollbacks Stumbled in Court. Wheeler Is More Thorough.

"Before resigning as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency this year, Scott Pruitt delighted President Trump with his zeal for proclaiming sweeping regulatory rollbacks, even though he left behind a trail of courtroom setbacks."

Source: NY Times, 11/26/2018

Hog Waste Agreement Lacked Teeth; Some North Carolinians Left to Suffer

"Today, many farmers continue to store the waste in open pits despite the millions of dollars in private investment spent and years of research and political promises. The practice grows more hazardous with each hurricane that pounds the state."

Source: ProPublica, 11/26/2018

"House Dems Demand Records On Trump’s Climate Rollbacks"

"Leading House Democrats, weeks away from taking over the majority in the lower chamber, are demanding records and information from the Trump administration’s rollbacks of numerous climate change policies at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)."

Source: The Hill, 11/21/2018


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