Laws & Regulations

Krugman Debunks His Own Paper’s Praise Of Trump War On Environmental Regs

"On Monday, the New York Times published an absurd piece about President Donald Trump’s war on health and environmental regulations, ignoring the terrible human cost of Trump’s effort while claiming it is boosting business investment."

Source: Think Progress, 01/03/2018

How Scott Pruitt Turned the EPA Into One Of Trump’s Most Powerful Tools

"Since 2010, the Environmental Protection Agency has been embroiled in an enforcement battle with a Michigan-based company accused of modifying the state’s largest coal-fired power plant without getting federal permits for a projected rise in pollution. On Dec. 7, as the Supreme Court was considering whether to hear the case, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt issued a memo that single-handedly reversed the agency’s position."

Source: Washington Post, 01/03/2018

Energy Remains Big Issue for Public Lands Management

Long-standing disputes over exploitation of public lands bubble over as the Trump administration advances campaign promises to ease restrictions on energy development. A special TipSheet, part of our 2018 Journalists' Guide to Energy & Environment, has resources for covering public lands-related issues as they play out in the coming year.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Flint Accused Of Violating Agreement To Replace Lead Service Lines"

"The city of Flint, which has been reeling for years over lead seepage from its pipes into its tap water, is accused of violating the terms of a major settlement agreement aimed at improving its water quality. Advocacy groups say the city is failing to disclose information about its efforts to replace its lead pipes."

Source: NPR, 01/02/2018

"Will 2018 Be A Better Year For US Environment Policy?"

"The U.S. has abandoned any claim to climate leadership as the only nation to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord. In Trump's Cabinet, climate denial is pretty much cause for a Merit Badge. Congressional leadership doesn't acknowledge climate change to be a problem, or even a thing."

Source: Daily Climate, 01/02/2018

"Chairman: FERC To Review Pipeline Permitting Process"

"The new chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission says the agency will review its policies, unchanged for nearly two decades, for certifying natural gas pipelines, projects that have sparked contention from North Dakota to Pennsylvania, New York and Virginia, where the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines are advancing toward construction."

Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, 12/29/2017


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