Laws & Regulations

Top Trump Environmental Pick Has ‘Many Questions’ About Climate Change

"Kathleen Hartnett White, President Trump’s pick to serve as his top White House environmental official, told the Senate Wednesday that she had doubts about the link between human activity and climate change."

Source: Washington Post, 11/09/2017

NJ Sets 1st State Limits for Perfluorinated Chemicals in Drinking Water

"Besides lead, no contaminant in drinking water has provoked as loud a public outcry in the last two years in the United States as a class of chemicals known as perfluorinated compounds. New Jersey regulators are taking the strongest action to date on the man-made chemicals that are used in scores of household and industrial products."

Source: Circle of Blue, 11/08/2017

"Syria Joins Paris Climate Accord, Leaving Only U.S. Opposed"

"Then there was one. Syria announced during United Nations climate talks on Tuesday that it would sign the Paris agreement on climate change. The move, which comes on the heels of Nicaragua signing the accord last month, will leave the United States as the only country that has rejected the global pact."

Source: Reuters, 11/08/2017

State Clean Water Fund Means Local Projects, Local News

An EPA program that helps pay for municipal water infrastructure is facing Congressional appropriations scrutiny. But with the program looking like it may escape big cuts, it remains a reservoir of reportable local projects. Find out more in the latest TipSheet, plus get state-by-state resources.

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