Laws & Regulations

"Environmental Groups Sue Trump Administration Over Offshore Drilling"

"A coalition of environmental groups on Wednesday sued the Trump administration over its efforts to expand offshore drilling, arguing the move violates the president’s legal authority, threatens a multitude of wildlife and could harm the fishing and tourism industries."

Source: Washington Post, 05/04/2017

Trump Puts Renewable Energy Critic In Charge Of Renewable Energy Office

"President Trump has appointed Daniel Simmons, a conservative scholar who sharply questioned the value of promoting renewable energy sources and curbs on greenhouse gas emissions, to oversee the Energy Department’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), according to an email distributed to department employees."

Source: Washington Post, 05/03/2017

"U.S. Appeals Court Grants Trump Request On Climate Regulations Case"

"A U.S. appeals court on Friday granted a Trump administration request to put on hold a legal challenge by industry and a group of states to former President Barack Obama's regulations aimed at curbing greenhouse emissions mainly from coal-fired power plants, rules that the Republican president is moving to undo.

Source: Reuters, 05/01/2017


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