Laws & Regulations

"States Attack U.S. Endangered Species Act Rules"

"More than a dozen state attorneys general are asking Pres. Donald Trump to throw out recent federal rules regulating the environment for endangered or threatened plants and animals. The states claim the rules, which enlarge the definition of species habitat, give the federal government excessive power over state and private lands."

Source: Scientific American, 03/08/2017

"E.P.A. Head Stacks Agency With Climate Change Skeptics"

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, "a former Oklahoma attorney general who built a career out of suing the agency he now leads, has moved to stock the top offices of the agency with like-minded conservatives — many of them skeptics of climate change and all of them intent on rolling back environmental regulations that they see as overly intrusive and harmful to business."

Source: NY Times, 03/08/2017

"Senate Votes To Kill Worker Safety Rule Aimed At Federal Contractors"

"President Trump and congressional Republicans are poised to roll back a series of Obama-era worker safety regulations targeted by business groups, beginning Monday night with a vote by the Senate to kill a rule that required federal contractors to disclose and correct serious safety violations."

Source: Washington Post, 03/07/2017

"Exxon's Auditor Could Hold Key Piece of Climate Fraud Investigation"

"A high-stakes legal battle between ExxonMobil and the New York attorney general's office is roiling around documents held by the company's auditors. Those documents, usually dry disclosures that hold little public interest, could afford a candid—and perhaps damaging—glimpse into Exxon's private calculations of the business risks posed by climate change."

Source: InsideClimate News, 03/07/2017

"Oklahoma Tribe Sues Oil Companies In Tribal Court Over Earthquake"

"An Oklahoma-based Native American tribe filed a lawsuit in its own tribal court system Friday accusing several oil companies of triggering the state’s largest earthquake that caused extensive damage to some near-century-old tribal buildings."

Source: AP, 03/07/2017

Get Wise on Water Rule

Wondering what WOTUS is? Or how the Clean Water Rule relates to the Clean Water Act and to the Section 404 permitting program meant to prevent the destruction of U.S. wetlands? Our Beat Basics column explains the history and background of the rule to help you cover White House, EPA and court action likely ahead.

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