Laws & Regulations

Coal-Ash Issue Not So Easy To Dispose Of

Late last week Congress moved authority over coal-ash pollution standards from the feds to states and utilities. With hundreds of huge pits and ponds of the potentially toxic substance scattered across the United States, our latest TipSheet explores this unsolved problem and helps you find your local coal-ash angle.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Senate Clears Water Bill With Flint Aid, Disputed California Rider

"After a weeklong battle over last-minute policy riders, the Senate passed a major water bill in the early morning hours Saturday that includes emergency aid for Flint, Mich., and drought relief for California."

Source: The Hill, 12/12/2016

"Donald Trump, in Louisiana, Says He Will End Energy Regulation"

"President-elect Donald J. Trump promised on Friday that his administration would strip away 'job-killing restrictions' on energy production and encourage the construction of refineries in the United States, as he campaigned for Republican candidates in a state heavily dependent on the oil and gas industry."

Source: NY Times, 12/12/2016

Trump's EPA Pick May Struggle To Dismantle Obama's Environmental Legacy

"Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump's pick to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has fought President Barack Obama’s measures to curb climate change at every turn as attorney general of Oklahoma. Now he is hoping to take apart Obama's environmental legacy from the inside out, a task that could prove tougher than it sounds."

Source: Reuters, 12/09/2016

Clean Energy ‘Moving Forward’ Despite Trump’s E.P.A. Pick, Experts Say

"President-elect Donald J. Trump’s choice of a fossil-fuel advocate and climate-change denier to head the Environmental Protection Agency comes at a moment when the American energy market has already shifted away from the most polluting fossil fuels, driven more by investors and economics than by federal regulations."

Source: NY Times, 12/09/2016


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