"Watchdog Sues EPA Over Renewable Fuel Mandate"
"A watchdog group is suing the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to release communications with the oil industry over the 2014 renewable fuel mandate."
"A watchdog group is suing the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to release communications with the oil industry over the 2014 renewable fuel mandate."
"A coalition of U.S. farmer and environmental groups filed a lawsuit on Wednesday seeking to overturn regulatory approval granted last week for an herbicide developed by Dow AgroSciences."
"West Virginia regulators have revoked the state certification for a Raleigh County laboratory, following the guilty plea of a lab supervisor who admitted he and other employees falsified coal industry samples so mining operations would appear to be in compliance with water pollution standards."
It's true — some public information officers are really paranoid. High Country News reporter Tristan Baurick, trying to report on preservation of a historic chalet in Olympic National Park, found "a bizarre blockade on press freedom, the likes of which I’d never experienced outside a military base or murder scene."
"One accomplishment Scott singled out: making it easier than ever to obtain a permit for filling in wetlands, pumping water out of the aquifer or pouring pollutants into the water and air."
"Texas environmentalists faced off in court this year against a coal-fired power plant with more than 6,500 alleged exceedances of the federal Clean Air Act limits on opacity, an indicator of fine airborne soot."
"Hi-tech undercover operation used GPS tracking on timber trucks for the first time, as well as satellite and aerial images to reveal extent of illegal logging in Brazilian Amazon"
"RALEIGH -- The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta has ruled that Marine veterans and their families cannot sue over groundwater contamination at Camp Lejeune."
"A federal judge in Nebraska has dismissed a challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed carbon limits for new power plants."
"Farmers from the biggest U.S. corn-growing states have sued Syngenta AG over sales of genetically modified corn seed not approved by China, joining global exporters in pursuing damages from the Swiss-based company."