Laws & Regulations

Lawyer Who Helped Write Texas Env. Laws Now Helps Industry Skirt Them

"As a young state attorney in the early days of environmental regulation, [Pamela Giblin] built up the laws that regulate pollution of the state's water and air. Today, age 64 and still raven-haired and self-effacing, she is the senior attorney for some of the state's largest polluters — dedicated, some would say, to finding cracks in those same laws."

Source: Austin American-Statesman, 11/08/2010

Feds: People Can Take Photos Outside Court Houses

Photojournalists doing environmental stories have been harassed and blocked by federal police for a decade or more when they try to take pictures of federal facilities from public spaces. Now, under a court settlement, the federal government is publicly acknowledging that it is acting illegally when it does this.

SEJ Publication Types: 
October 28, 2010

GHG Reporting Rule So Far: Lessons Learned and Changes to Consider

This seminar looks at the implementation of the reporting rule as we near the end of 2010, and the issues that will likely arise as the first reporting deadline in March 2011 draws near. The seminar will also explore the recent proposed and final amendments to the rule, particularly regarding confidentiality of reported information.


Appeals Court Upholds rBGH-Free Labelling, Overturns Ohio Ban

"Earlier this week, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the state of Ohio's ban  on labels that identify milk as rBST- or rBGH-free, meaning produced without the use of artificial bovine growth hormone. Consumer and organic food groups were jubilant at the Ohio news, which may have far-reaching repercussions not only for all milk, but for genetically engineered foods."

Source: Grist, 10/08/2010


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