Nuclear Power & Radiation

"EPA Withdraws Proposed Obama-Era Rule Change For Uranium Mining"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Friday it has withdrawn a regulation proposed in the last days of the Obama administration that aimed to tighten health and safety compliance rules for uranium miners."

Source: Reuters, 10/22/2018

Too Late To Wait for Covering Infrastructure Vulnerability, Resilience

Could U.S. infrastructure go from being a saver of lives to a bringer of disaster? Yes, warns our latest Issue Backgrounder, which looks at vulnerabilities for our drinking water supply, sewage systems, flood control, power grids, pipelines, refineries and even hospitals. Are environmental reporters paying enough attention? Here’s why they should, with suggestions on how to go about it.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Congress Poised to Skip Funding Yucca Nuke Dump Again This Year"

"House and Senate appropriators have no plans to fund development of the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump in Nevada this year, according to the chairman of the House subcommittee charged with writing the Energy Department’s spending plan."

Source: Bloomberg, 03/07/2018

Trump Seeks Clean Energy Cuts, $2 Billion Nuclear Spending Boost at DOE

"The Trump administration’s fiscal 2019 budget might never become law, but it’s a declaration of intent, and it would reshuffle priorities at the Energy Department, boosting outlays on nuclear security and slashing spending on renewables and energy efficiency."

Source: Washington Post, 02/15/2018

Critics Call Trump Cuts To Hanford Cleanup Budget 'Downright Dangerous'

"Reaction in the Pacific Northwest was swift to President Trump’s proposed cuts to the cleanup budget at the Hanford Site. Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, called the proposed $230 million cut “downright dangerous for everyone who lives near the Columbia River.”"

Source: OPB, 02/13/2018


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