
Climate Change Policy Likely To Permeate Executive Under Biden

What will climate change policy look like under a Biden administration? If nothing else, it appears it will be broadly based across a wide range of executive branch operations. This week’s TipSheet walks you through the top 10 federal departments, agencies and spending centers and how they will pivot to focus on global warming. 

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Carmakers Map Out Shifting Road Ahead

Automakers are at the heart of the conflict over climate change policy, thanks to the prevalence of transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions. That may now be changing. And not just because of the incoming Biden administration, but also with shifting investment in the future of electric vehicles. A look at how car companies are piloting that path, from the latest Backgrounder. Electric Hummer, anyone?

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Climate Narrative Gets to the Personal Behind the Public

When the New York Times Magazine published “Losing Earth: The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change” as its full issue in August 2018, the reaction to Nathaniel Rich’s piece was immediate and polemic. Today, as some analysts speak of Joe Biden’s efforts to position himself as “the climate President,” SEJournal asks Rich to explain his contribution to the public conversation on policy, action and climate.

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Midnight Deregulation Zombie Horror Show Begins

A rush of last-minute regulatory (and deregulatory) actions are underway in the waning days of the Trump administration. And the latest TipSheet has suggestions not only for how to keep track, but also how to bird-dog the numerous ways the incoming Biden administration might try to reverse Trump’s course.

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Biden Presidency a New Era of Open Government?

As a new Biden administration prepares for office, WatchDog issues a call for restoring open government. The latest opinion column puts forward a list of 20 recommended actions that include outlawing assault on journalists, clearing FOIA backlogs and counteracting ag-gag laws. Plus, an updated reporter’s Bill of Rights for government press offices.

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“Man of Tomorrow: The Relentless Life of Jerry Brown”

The memorable career of California Gov. Jerry Brown has at its core a spiritual connection to the environment, a connection that he successfully channeled into the political realm, particularly around climate change. That’s according to the writer of a new biography that delves into the origins of Brown’s environmental politics and his climate change legacy. Read our latest BookShelf review.

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Even Without Senate, Biden Can Still Do Much To Fight Climate Change

What will a Biden presidency mean for climate and environmental policy if it’s facing the prospect of a GOP-controlled Senate? Quite a bit actually. The latest Backgrounder examines a range of executive actions that the Biden White House could take on energy and the environment. Plus, a look at what’s possible through independent agencies and, yes, bipartisan legislation. But there are a lot of powerful climate actions a Biden administration could take — by executive action alone. Also see headlines on the topic from EJ Today.

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Conservative Court To Consider Upcoming Environment Cases

Amy Coney Barrett’s swearing-in as associate justice this week brings a solidifying conservative majority to the Supreme Court. That likely means environmental issues coming before the justices will face new legal tests. The latest TipSheet explores four prominent cases coming to the high court this term that will help shed light on its evolving views on climate, water and public information.

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Climate Assessment Delayed? Plus, High Court To Hear Enviro FOIA Case

A forthcoming U.S. National Climate Assessment, due in 2022, faces delays, thanks to Trump administration foot-dragging, according to the new WatchDog Opinion column. And the Supreme Court, possibly with a new Justice Amy Coney Barrett aboard, is about to hear arguments on a freedom of information case involving the Endangered Species Act.

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Climate Money Meets the Super PACs

Amid the frenzy of Election 2020 comes a quieter development: The emergence of Big Climate money. Green groups and climate-focused fundraisers are now starting to take their place as major players alongside Big Oil as campaign contributors. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox suggests databases and other resources to help track climate (and other election) money.

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