
EPA Offers No-Bid Media Contract; Zinke Reprimands Official on Climate Tweet, CDC Bans Phrases and More

The CDC has apparently banned seven politically incorrect words and phrases, including “science-based," from budget documents. And a no-bid media contract for the EPA may include opposition research on agency employees. That, plus a climate tweet reprimand and more, in the latest edition of WatchDog.

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Potential Conflicts Spotlight Concerns Over Trump Appointments

As President Trump continues to fill environment and energy leadership positions in 2018, one source of stories will be potential conflicts of interest for appointed regulators and agency leaders. This week's TipSheet runs down more than 20 key appointments to watch at EPA, Interior, Ag, Energy and more.

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Investigations May Bring News in 2018

Almost a dozen investigations are underway at the U.S. EPA and the Interior Department, including of unusual travel, private sector connections and staff/advisory panel moves. This week's TipSheet runs down the probes in detail, and offers resources for coverage of developments in 2018.

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Battle Builds Over Science Integrity in Environmental Policy

Purges of EPA science panels by Administrator Scott Pruitt are just one among many moves in an ongoing dispute over the integrity of the environmental sciences in government policymaking. The latest Issue Backgrounder takes a deep dive with a briefing on five likely battles ahead for the coming year.

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For Pruitt EPA, There Is No Bad News on Ozone Pollution

Trying to figure out the air quality in your coverage area? The EPA may not be much help. But this week's TipSheet suggests some effective work-arounds for your reporting. Get the backstory on ozone standards, tips on how to track ozone "nonattainment" for your area and learn why smog matters so much to public health.

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Author Of DOE Grid Study Describes Being Pressured To Fault Regulations

"When Energy Secretary Rick Perry set out this year to prove that Obama-era regulations were killing coal plants and undermining grid reliability, he turned to a veteran energy consultant from his home state of Texas to write the report."

Source: Forbes, 11/13/2017

SEJ Objects Over EPA Response to AP Story; plus, Suits & Rulings Involving Interior, EPA, NOAA

The SEJ has written the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to object to its criticism of an Associated Press story about Superfund sites following Hurricane Harvey floods. That, plus a judge rules against EPA for withholding records on the pesticide Enlist Duo, and more, in this month's WatchDog.

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Between the Lines: On ‘Writing the Book You Can’t Not Write’

The latest 'Between the Lines' features an interview with environment reporter Meera Subramanian about her debut book, “A River Runs Again: India’s Natural World in Crisis.” Her approach to a challenging topic, her faith in the power of stories, her search for a new model of development and her advice for other writers.

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Covering Congress from Both Sides of the Beltway

The complex workings of the U.S. Congress create reporting challenges for all kinds of journalists, including environmental ones. But our latest TipSheet provides half a dozen key resources to help you get the job done better, whether from inside or outside the Beltway. 

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Trump Environmental Rule Rollback — Tracking the Trackers

The Trump administration has moved aggressively to roll back environmental and energy-related rules, so much so that keeping tabs on all the developments has become a major challenge. To help reporters get the lay of the land, this week's TipSheet has a roundup of more than a dozen regulatory tracking reports. Track the trackers.

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