
"Most Chinese Cities Hiding Vital Pollution Data From Public"

"Most city governments on the mainland withheld vital information on pollution from the public last year, with many scaling back their disclosure to protect polluters as economic growth slowed, two major environmental organisations said in a study released in Beijing yesterday."

Source: South China Morning Post, 03/29/2013

EPA Sets New Requirements for Ballast Water Dumped By Ships

"TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. -- The Environmental Protection Agency issued new requirements Thursday for cleansing ballast water dumped from ships, which scientists believe has provided a pathway to U.S. waters for invasive species that damage ecosystems and cost the economy billions of dollars."

Source: AP, 03/29/2013

"Court: EPA Can Stop Some Power Plant Modifications"

"TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — Government regulators can try to halt construction projects at power plants if they think the companies didn't properly calculate whether the changes would increase air pollution, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday, marking the latest twist in a decades-long fight over the Clean Air Act."

Source: AP, 03/29/2013

Obama Admin Moves Ahead With Sweeping Rules Requiring Cleaner Gasoline

"The Environmental Protection Agency will move ahead Friday with a rule requiring cleaner gasoline and lower-pollution vehicles nationwide, amounting to one of President Obama’s most significant air pollution initiatives, according to people briefed on the decision."

Source: Wash Post, 03/29/2013

Duwamish Residents Face Health Threat As EPA Chooses Superfund Cleanup

"The residents of south Seattle's 98108 ZIP code, some living cheek-by-jowl with the Duwamish River Superfund site, face a high degree of environmental health threats and are likely to live sicker and die younger than residents of other Seattle neighborhoods, says a new report by two nonprofit groups."

Source: Investigate West, 03/28/2013


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