
"39 San Diego Schools Sit in the Traffic Pollution Danger Zone"

"Along major roadways that connect the sprawling limits of San Diego County, 39 schools lie within 500 feet of smog-filled traffic corridors, a distance that air-pollution researchers believe significantly increases the risk of pediatric asthma and other respiratory illnesses."

Source: Voice of San Diego, 10/11/2013

EPA Settles Court Bid To Keep Luminant Pollution Data "Confidential" (Cough, Cough)

A U.S. district judge on October 2, 2013, brushed aside claims by EPA and the Luminant Corp. that information related to pollution from the company's coal-burning power plants was "confidential business information" — which seems to be a growing excuse for withholding public-interest information.

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"Iron Range Mine Could Pollute Water for Up To 500 Years"

"A proposed copper-nickel mine in northeast Minnesota would generate water pollution for up to 500 years and require billions of dollars in long-term cleanup costs, state regulators have concluded as they near a key stage in the project’s review."

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, 10/09/2013


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