
Newspapers in Fracking Secrecy Case Win Support of Doctors, Scientists

"PITTSBURGH  -- In a lawsuit over gas industry secrecy, doctors, scientists, researchers and advocates filed court documents supporting two newspapers seeking access to information that could shed light on the health impacts of gas development, including the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing or fracking. ...

Source: ENS, 05/03/2012

"Texas Pollution Feud Will Continue, Despite Armendariz's Resignation"

The resignation of EPA Region 6 Administrator Al Armendariz has not resolved much. Conflicts over oil-industry pollution and whether laws against it should be enforced remain intense in parts of Texas where people are making money from the pollution while others fear they are being made sick by it.

Gabriel Nelson reports for Greenwire May 1, 2012.

Source: Greenwire, 05/02/2012

"Cruise-Ship Industry Fighting EPA’s Cleaner-Fuel Rule"

"WASHINGTON — The heavy fuel that oceangoing vessels burn adds so much to air pollution hundreds of miles inland that the United States joined with Canada during the George W. Bush administration to ask the International Maritime Organization to create an emissions-control area along the coasts. Large ships would be required to reduce pollution dramatically in a zone 200 miles out to sea along all the coasts of North America, mainly by using cleaner fuel."

Source: McClatchy, 05/02/2012

"Studies Raise Questions About Pavement Sealers"

"Airborne emissions and stray dust from coal tar–based sealers, one of the two main types of products used to coat certain asphalt pavements, may be a more significant human health threat than previously thought, according to three new studies and a review published by U.S. government and university researchers."

Source: EHP, 05/02/2012

"Detroit Oil Spill Remains a Mystery 10 Years Later"

"DETROIT -- The first call came in from one of the control towers at drawbridges along the Rouge River. It was April 10, 2002, and by the time the reports of large amounts of oil in the water reached U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials, the spill likely had been under way for at least a day. By the time the contaminated flows had stopped, as many as 250,000 gallons of oil had spread over three miles of the Rouge, into the Detroit River and been carried as far south as Lake Erie."

Source: Detroit News, 05/01/2012

"'Warming Hole' Delayed Climate Change Over Eastern United States"

"Climate scientists at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have discovered that particulate pollution in the late 20th century created a "warming hole" over the eastern United States-that is, a cold patch where the effects of global warming were temporarily obscured."

Source: SPX, 04/30/2012

"Plastic Pollution in Ocean Likely Underestimated, Researchers Say"

"The cause célèbre of plastic litter in the ocean is the Texas-sized, swirling island of plastic debris thousands of miles off the coast of California in the Pacific Ocean. But researchers from the Universities of Washington and Delaware and the Sea Education Association in Woods Hole, Mass., say the story is much bigger, and scarier, than that."

Source: California Watch, 04/30/2012


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