
"Floods Raise Runoff Concerns"

"The Ohio and Mississippi River levels were falling Wednesday at the site where engineers blasted holes in a Missouri levee to relieve pressure. But unleashing torrents of water across 35 miles of farmland in what has already been a terrible flooding season could carry other consequences. One risk, scientists cautioned, is fertilizer runoff from the flooded farm country along the Mississippi."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 05/06/2011

"EPA: After $330M Cleanup, Libby Remains Contaminated with Asbestos"

"The potential for public exposure to dangerous levels of asbestos in the contaminated mining town of Libby [Mont.] remains a concern to federal health officials, according to preliminary results of a risk-assessment study announced Tuesday, more than a decade after cleanup operations began."

Source: Missoulian, 05/04/2011
June 5, 2011 to June 9, 2011

Equinox Summit: Energy 2030

Top scientists in low-carbon technologies with a panel of industry and policy experts and future world leaders will pool their expertise and create a realistic roadmap from the energy challenges of today to a sustainable future by 2030. Attend the free event in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, or watch the live stream from your computer.


"Judge Wants EPA To Enforce Everglades Pollution Rules"

"Aiming a legal shot directly across the bow of Gov. Rick Scott’s anti-regulation agenda, a Miami federal judge on Tuesday cleared the way for the federal government to do something he contends the state has failed to do for decades: Enforce water pollution standards tough enough to protect the Everglades."

Source: Miami Herald, 04/27/2011

Response to Blowout Took 13 Hours Despite PA Plan for Quick Action

"When Chesapeake Energy lost control of a Marcellus Shale gas well in Pennsylvania on April 19, an emergency response team from Texas was called in to stop the leak. By the time the team arrived more than 13 hours later, brine water and hydraulic fracturing fluids from the well had spewed across nearby fields and into a creek."

Source: ProPublica, 04/27/2011


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