
April 22, 2010

From Coal to Gas: Whether, When, How

A recent report from the Congressional Research Service indicates that underutilized natural gas plants have the potential to displace some coal plants. The author of the report joins an expert panel to look at the possibilities and questions raised by the idea of coal displacement. An Environmental Law Institute event.


"Lyondell Leaves Kalamazoo Poisoned as Bankruptcies Mar Cleanups"

"Environmentalist Jeff Spoelstra says an 80-mile stretch of the Kalamazoo River that runs through toxin-laced land in southwestern Michigan was on its way to becoming safe again. ...Then, in January 2009, Lyondell Chemical Co. filed for bankruptcy protection. The Houston-based petrochemical giant argued in court that as it reorganized, it could avoid what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said were about $2.5 billion in cleanup costs...."

Source: Bloomberg, 04/07/2010


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