
"In EPA’s New Methane Rule, An Innovative Way To Stop ‘Super Emitters’"

"Scientists with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory were flying a plane equipped with a visible-infrared imaging spectrometer over an oil field in California’s San Joaquin Valley when they made a worrisome discovery. Images produced by the device revealed a large plume of methane lingering in the air."

Source: Grist, 12/15/2023

"US EPA Must Do More To Ensure Captured Carbon Stays Underground -Report"

"The U.S. environment regulator does not sufficiently verify that carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects keep emissions trapped underground and should boost its requirements to ensure companies receiving CCS tax credits provide an actual environmental benefit, a watchdog group said on Thursday."

Source: Reuters, 12/14/2023

California Wants Farms To Capture Methane From Cow Manure; Neighbors Don't

"At a massive dairy farm in the San Joaquin Valley, nearly 14,000 Holstein cows crane their necks through feeding stalls and gnaw leisurely on alfalfa. Meanwhile, close to their hooves, a sprinkler system activates and flushes the herd's manure into nearby sewer grates. From there, the waste courses through a network of pipes and into an enormous lagoon covered by a thick vinyl tarp."

Source: LA Times, 12/13/2023

"Sewers Are Overflowing Everywhere. One Solution Is Right In Your Backyard."

"When a heavy rainstorm hits D.C., it’s bad news for the city’s rivers. The city’s sewer system, which combines storm runoff and raw sewage in some areas, has a history of overflowing. Instead of flowing into a treatment plant, that toxic mix, along with the sediment, trash and other pollutants storm water washes off streets, ends up in rivers."

Source: Washington Post, 12/12/2023

"EPA to Louisiana: Strengthen Baton Rouge Air Emission Rules, Or We Will"

"Louisiana must strengthen rules over the release of ozone-creating nitrogen oxide air emissions by industries in the Baton Rouge area during startups, shutdowns and malfunctions, or the federal Environmental Protection Agency will write and enforce its own rules, the agency announced this week."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 12/11/2023

Student Journalists Show the Way on Data With Methane Flaring Project

The global warming gas methane was much in the news at the start of the just-ended COP28 climate meeting, with a final Biden administration rule to trim releases by the fossil fuel industry. But when it comes to good journalism on the problem, the latest Reporter’s Toolbox spotlights the work of a team of journalism students who used sophisticated satellite data to tell the story of underreported methane flaring at drilling sites.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Pregnant Women Near Farms Had Higher Weedkiller Levels During Spraying Season

"Pregnant women living near farm fields show “significantly” increased concentrations of glyphosate weedkiller in their urine during periods when farmers are spraying their fields with the herbicide, according to a new scientific paper published on Wednesday."

Source: Guardian, 12/08/2023

"Air-Conditioning Use Will Surge in a Warming World, U.N. Warns"

"Sixty nations committed on Tuesday to improve the efficiency of new air-conditioners by 50 percent and reduce greenhouse gas emissions related to those cooling machines by almost 70 percent, the latest in a flurry of global promises that aim to tackle climate change."

Source: NYTimes, 12/06/2023


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