
EPA: For 3rd Time, Judge Tosses Suit Over Science Advisory Panel Makeup

"A federal judge today [Wednesday] dismissed a third lawsuit challenging a far-reaching EPA restriction on advisory committee membership, likely dealing a fatal blow to opponents' hopes of overturning the policy anytime soon."

Source: Greenwire, 03/28/2019

"Report: Great Lakes Feeling Effects Of Rapid Climate Warming"

"The Great Lakes region is warming faster than the rest of the U.S., a trend likely to bring more extreme storms while also degrading water quality, worsening erosion and posing tougher challenges for farming, scientists reported Thursday."

Source: AP, 03/22/2019
April 16, 2019

Fungi and MIC Management

This one-day seminar in Houston, Texas, presented by NACE International, will feature thought leaders from the energy sector, coatings, chemical applications, scientists, and more who will share insights into fungi corrosion management, the use of protective coatings in MIC mitigation and prevention methods, and Molecular Microbiological Methods (MMM): actionable data for MIC diagnosis and mitigation.


List of Toxics Near Military Sites May Include Leads for Reporters

Drinking water contaminated with PFAS for years has caused worry, even outrage, in local communities affected by the toxic chemicals. Now, a military database may help reporters locate contamination sites. This week’s TipSheet has more on the database, along with tips for evaluating your local PFAS story.

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