
"The Role Harassment Plays in Climate Change Denial"

"Before Tom Steyer was a high-profile figure calling for the president’s impeachment, before the attacks directed at him escalated from name-calling to threats and violence, and before the president demeaned him as a “crazed & stumbling lunatic,” the Democratic donor was familiar with being a target for the extreme right because of his prominent work in climate change advocacy."

Source: Mother Jones, 11/08/2018

"Science Candidates Prevail in US Midterm Elections"

"Trump administration's science and environment policies could come under extra scrutiny as Democrats gain in Congress." "Results from the United States’ midterm elections are still pouring in, but a handful of candidates with backgrounds in science or technology have already nabbed seats in the US House of Representatives."

Source: Nature, 11/07/2018

"How to Turbocharge Flu Protection (Llamas Required)"

"A giant antibody created in the laboratory shielded mice against dozens of flu strains, offering new hope against a winter misery."

"The oncoming flu season has claimed its first lives, among them a child in Florida who had not gotten a flu shot.

This year’s vaccine significantly reduces the odds of getting sick — and you should get one now if you haven’t already — but it’s far from perfect.

Source: NY Times, 11/02/2018


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