
"U.S. Companies Tout Climate Policies, Fund Climate Skeptics"

"U.S. companies that have expressed the most fervent public support for President Barack Obama’s environmental agenda are also funding its biggest enemies - the scores of U.S. lawmakers who are climate change skeptics and oppose regulation to combat it, according to a Reuters review of public records."

Source: Reuters, 09/06/2016

"Your Gut's Gone Viral, And That Might Be Good For Your Health"

"Everywhere you turn, it seems, there's news about the human microbiome. And, more specifically, about the bacteria that live in your gut and help keep you healthy. Those bacteria, it turns out, are hiding a big secret: their own microbiome. A study published Monday suggests some viruses in your gut could be beneficial."

Source: NPR, 08/30/2016

Caught Fudging Science, Duke Power Attacks Reporters Privilege

Embroiled in a growing scandal about efforts to cover up the science on the threat posed by coal ash to North Carolinians' drinking water, Duke Energy is asking a court to hold a hearing to discover the source of a document leaked to the Associated Press.

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"Soil Has a Microbiome, Too"

"The unique mix of microbes in soil has a profound effect on which plants thrive and which ones die".

"The Netherlands, home to windmills and clogs, legalized prostitution and marijuana, is also home to intensively farmed cropland. Holland’s small size and large population have meant that the country his historically needed savvy agriculturalists to feed its people. But as it grows less and less of its own food, the government has  to buy out farmers to return cropland to a wilder state.

Source: Smithsonian, 08/18/2016


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