
Translating Science/Telling Stories: “What We Talk About When We Talk About Climate Change”

Co-sponsored by SEJ and the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism at Michigan State University, this fellowship opportunity is for journalists and scientists to discuss ways to better help the public appreciate the risks and understand the choices they, their communities, and their governments face, during this June 9, 2012 event in Cleveland, OH.


"CO2 Was Hidden in the Ocean During the Ice Age"

"Why did the atmosphere contain so little carbon dioxide (CO2) during the last Ice Age 20,000 years ago? Why did it rise when the Earth's climate became warmer? Processes in the ocean are responsible for this, says a new study based on newly developed isotope measurements. This study has now been published in the scientific journal 'Science' by scientists from the Universities of Bern and Grenoble and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association."

Source: SPX, 04/03/2012

"White House and the F.D.A. Often at Odds"

The Food and Drug Administration is supposed to make its regulatory decisions on the basis of science and for the health and well-being of the public. But the White House often intervenes, trying to influence FDA decisions to achieve political goals. Often the White House pressure comes in response to fear of demagogic attacks from the GOP. So it was with movie popcorn.

Gardiner Harris reports for the New York Times April 2, 2012.

Source: NY Times, 04/03/2012
April 4, 2012

Instant Expert: Seth Borenstein Goes Deep on Deadline

SEJ member Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press will talk about the art of covering complicated, controversial topics with confidence and authority — even when deadline looms. Sponsored by NY University's Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program. 4:00-6:00 p.m. in New York.

April 13, 2012

DEADLINE: National Center for Atmospheric Research Journalism Fellowship

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) invites applications for its fifth annual NCAR Journalism Fellowship, which runs from July 16-20, 2012. The NCAR Journalism Fellowship provides journalists with an opportunity to deepen their understanding and expertise on atmospheric and Earth system sciences. Application deadline is April 13, 2012.

May 1, 2012

DEADLINE: AMS Award for Distinguished Science Journalism in the Atmospheric and Related Sciences

This American Meteorological Society Award recognizes outstanding science reporting and writing about scientific discoveries, principles, advances, and impacts in all media outlets including radio, television, newspaper, magazine, and online. Apply by May 1st.

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