
"American Climate Skeptic Soon Funded By Oil, Coal Firms"

"Willie Soon, a U.S. climate change skeptic who has also discounted the health risks of mercury emissions from coal, has received more than $1 million in funding in recent years from large energy companies and an oil industry group, according to Greenpeace."

Source: Reuters, 06/29/2011
August 17, 2011 to August 19, 2011

International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation (ICEPR 2011)

ICEPR is a series of international conferences held yearly to address environmental pollution and new advances in remediation. These conferences focus on all aspects of Environmental Science, Engineering, and Technology. International ASET and the University of Ottawa will be hosting this conference.

June 30, 2024

DEADLINE: Evert Clark / Seth Payne Award for a Young Science Journalist

The Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award recognizes outstanding reporting and writing in any field of science by science writers age 30 or younger. Winner will receive $1,000 and expenses to attend the annual ScienceWriters meeting. Deadline: June 30 annually.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Did 'No. 1' Climate Change Denier Fake His Résumé?"

"Sometimes it seems hard to believe how much skepticism still exists about climate change, with the scientific community in near-unanimous agreement that yes, it's happening and yes, it's our fault. But as Minnesota State Senator Michael Jungbauer reminded us yesterday, most of that dissent comes from people who are more or less clueless about the science."

Source: Mother Jones, 06/16/2011

Watchdog Says Obama Not Protecting Whistleblower Scientists

New documents, released only after a lawsuit, to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility show the White House is telling agencies they can stick with existing practices when it comes to political interference with science — and do just about anything they want.

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