
CDC Scientist Ordered To Delete Email From Trump Appointee: House Probe

"Congressional investigators say Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield may have directed officials to delete a contentious email sent by a Trump appointee that demanded the health agency halt weekly COVID-19 mortality reports that the official called CDC “hit pieces on the administration.”

Source: USA TODAY, 12/11/2020

"Biden Narrows List Of Candidates For Climate Positions"

"One of the transition team's top candidates to lead either NOAA or NASA doesn't want the job, and another contender for NOAA chief is married to President-elect Joe Biden's chief of staff. But there are more — a lot more — people out there competing for a range of climate science positions at NASA, NOAA and elsewhere, sources said."

Source: E&E News, 12/11/2020

Police Raid Home Of Fired Florida COVID-19 Data Whistleblower

"State police brandishing firearms Monday raided the Tallahassee home of Rebekah Jones, the former Department of Health data scientist who built the state's much-praised COVID-19 dashboard before being fired over what she said was refusing to "manipulate data.""

Source: Tallahassee Democrat, 12/08/2020

Climate Change Policy Likely To Permeate Executive Under Biden

What will climate change policy look like under a Biden administration? If nothing else, it appears it will be broadly based across a wide range of executive branch operations. This week’s TipSheet walks you through the top 10 federal departments, agencies and spending centers and how they will pivot to focus on global warming. 

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Federal System For Tracking Covid-19 Hospital Beds Gives Poor Data

As the nation's hospitals are being overwhelmed by coronavirus patients, the federal data system for tracking them, poleaxed this summer by the Trump administration, is giving inaccurate and unreliable data to officials trying to manage the crisis.

Source: Science, 12/01/2020


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