
"EPA Delays Advisers' Review Of 'Secret Science' Rules"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has repeatedly rescheduled and delayed a meeting of an advisory board slated to review a controversial proposal that would block the agency from considering studies that don’t make their underlying data public. ... Critics suspect the delays are a stall tactic allowing the agency to finalize the rule without the public hearing criticism leveled by its own internal board."

Source: The Hill, 11/19/2019

"EPA Defends ‘Secret Science’ Rule to House Democrats"

"An EPA official defended the agency’s proposed “secret science” rule, but declined to answer questions about the basis for the rule, which has drawn criticism from environmental groups and other agency watchers."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/14/2019

"EPA: Trump Admin Advances High-Impact 'Secret Science' Rule"

"The Trump EPA appears to be doubling down on its proposal to limit scientific research used in rulemakings — a plan that could have far-reaching implications for agency regulations. Simply put, the plan would require that EPA use only publicly available data when crafting regulations. Critics are blasting the effort to limit use of science in a wide range of EPA regulations affecting the environment and public health."

Source: Greenwire, 11/13/2019

"E.P.A. to Limit Science Used to Write Public Health Rules"

"The Trump administration is preparing to significantly limit the scientific and medical research that the government can use to determine public health regulations, overriding protests from scientists and physicians who say the new rule would undermine the scientific underpinnings of government policymaking."

Source: NY Times, 11/12/2019

Hurricane Tweet That Angered Trump Wasn’t About Trump, Forecasters Say

"When officials at a government weather forecasting office assured Alabama residents that a September hurricane would not hit their state, they did not intend to contradict President Trump’s insistence that it would, according to newly disclosed documents."

Source: NY Times, 11/08/2019

EPA Fails To Supply Documents To House Science in Subpoena Showdown

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provided "largely non-responsive" documents in response to a final threat by House Democrats, according to committee staff, likely setting the stage for a forthcoming subpoena."

Source: The Hill, 11/08/2019

11,000+ Scientists From Around The World Declare A ‘Climate Emergency’

"A new report by 11,258 scientists in 153 countries from a broad range of disciplines warns that the planet “clearly and unequivocally faces a climate emergency,” and provides six broad policy goals that must be met to address it."

Source: Washington Post, 11/06/2019


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