
CAFO SNAFU — Why Emissions Data Are So Hard To Find

Sometimes the challenge for environmental reporters is a mess of data. But sometimes it’s just less data. That’s the case with confined animal feed operations, which have been the subject of a years-long political tug of war over tracking emissions harmful to humans and the environment. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox explains, then offers alternate sources for CAFO data.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Federal Rules Fail to Contain Methane Emissions from Landfills: Report

"Methane emissions from landfills—one of the largest sources of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions—could be reduced through stronger regulations and better emissions monitoring, according to a new report by the Environmental Integrity Project, an environmental organization based in Washington."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/18/2023

"E.P.A. Announces Crackdown on Toxic Coal Ash From Landfills"

"The Biden administration is moving to close a loophole that had exempted hundreds of inactive coal ash landfills from rules designed to prevent heavy metals like mercury and arsenic from seeping into groundwater, the Environmental Protection Agency said Wednesday."

Source: NYTimes, 05/18/2023

When Extreme Weather Amplifies Hazardous Waste Threats

Toxic waste is bad enough when it’s in one spot. But it can be even more dangerous when it is made mobile by climate-induced natural disasters. The latest TipSheet looks at just a few of the problems that can arise — or have already arisen. Plus, story ideas and reporting resources to cover this issue in your locale.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Tilling the Storytelling Fields on the Food, Ag and Environment Beat

In his more than a decade at the helm of the Food & Environment Reporting Network, Samuel Fromartz was instrumental in shaping a new way of covering food, agriculture and environmental issues. As he prepares to turn over the top editor’s job to his successor, Fromartz talks about FERN’s innovative business model and the power of narrative.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"US Approves Temporary Nuclear Waste Storage In New Mexico"

"The U.S. nuclear energy regulator on Tuesday issued a license to Holtec International to build and operate a temporary facility to store nuclear waste from power plants, despite a New Mexico state law that could present a hurdle to the project."

Source: Reuters, 05/10/2023

Black Alabamians Endured Poor Sewage For Decades. Now They May See Justice.

"Officials in Alabama discriminated against Black residents in a rural county by denying them access to adequate sanitation systems, imposing burdensome fines and liens and ignoring the serious health risks plaguing the community, according to a landmark environmental justice agreement announced Thursday by the Biden administration."

Source: Washington Post, 05/05/2023

Enviros Want FTC Green Guides to Shun ‘Chemical’ Recycling of Plastic Waste

"The plastics industry says heating and treating plastic waste with chemicals enables it to make new plastics. But environmentalists say that process, emitting large amounts of climate and air pollution, isn’t recycling and isn’t green."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/03/2023


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