
Can Environment Sustain Quest for Valuable "Rare Earth" Materials?

A US Geological Survey report offers a perspective on the global situation and an assessment of known US deposits. There may be about 13 million metric tons available in 14 states — with the sites generally posing the usual environmental challenges associated with mining and refining.

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"Dispute in Pennsylvania Town Highlights EPA’s Coal Ash Dilemma"

Heavy metal-laden coal ash currently can escape EPA regulation if it goes to some "beneficial use." But residents of LaBelle, Pa., are finding that what may be beneficial for utility and mining companies may be harmful to the townspeople's health and environment.

Source: Center for Public Integrity, 12/06/2010

"Toxic Overflow" (Part 1)

"The contamination of many First Nations by unregulated landfills and dumps is a dirty story that has yet to be fully told. Aside from the mess you can see – and smell – the risk of groundwater pollution is probably the most severe environmental impact from these waste sites. Add an improperly engineered garbage dump and the results are more than toxic."

Source: APTN, 09/22/2010

"Environment Groups Cite Lansing Power Plant for Coal Ash Pollution"

Three environmental groups have issued a report detailing some 39 cases across the U.S. where pollution from the ash left from coal-burning electric power plants has cause pollution that often threatens human health. Now as EPA moves to close the electric utilities' longtime exemption from hazardous waste laws, industry lobbyists may have quietly put the fix in at the White House Office of Management and Budget.

Source: Ithaca Journal, 09/10/2010


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