Water & Oceans

"Supreme Court Rules Neb. Must Pay Kan. in Interstate River Battle"

""The Supreme Court today ruled that Nebraska "recklessly gambled" in taking more water from the Republican River than it was allowed. A majority of the justices held that Nebraska knowingly violated an interstate compact governing the river, depriving Kansas of water that should have flowed over the states' border."

Source: Greenwire, 02/25/2015

"Corruption, Climate Could Trigger Water Wars: UN Report"

"NEW YORK – Cleaning up widespread corruption in the water supply industry is crucial to avert looming water conflicts born of desperation, warns a new United Nations report based on case studies in 10 countries.

“In many places … corruption is resulting in the hemorrhaging of precious financial resources,” siphoning an estimated 30 percent of funds earmarked for water and sanitation-related improvements, the report states.

Source: ENS, 02/25/2015


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