Water & Oceans

"Vermont Farms Fret Over New Sanctions For Water Pollution"

"Environmentalists are giving Gov. Peter Shumlin early accolades for his proposal to reduce the amount of phosphorus running into Lake Champlain. But a prominent agriculture group says the plan to clean up the lake might end up hurting the farms that operate near it."

Source: Vermont Public Radio, 01/20/2015

"Study: Diabetes Drug Affecting Fish in Lake Michigan"

"Researchers have found that pharmaceuticals and personal-care byproducts persist at low levels miles from sewage discharge pipes in Lake Michigan. And a study from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee shows that the most prevalent drug in the lake — the Type 2 diabetes medication Metformin — changes the hormonal system of fish exposed to it."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 01/16/2015


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