Water & Oceans

"EPA Takeover of Toledo Water Plant Was Being Considered"

"Less than six months into the job, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Director Craig Butler grew so weary of Toledo’s mule-like response to long-documented problems at its 73-year-old Collins Park Water Treatment Plant that he entertained the very drastic — and politically explosive — idea of trying to wrest control of it away from the city."

Source: Toledo Blade, 08/11/2014

"Ships To Slow Down Off California To Save Whales And Cut Pollution"

"A program being launched off the California coast this summer will tackle two environmental problems posed by thousands of cargo ships that ferry goods to and from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach each year: Not only are the hulking vessels major sources of air pollution, their shipping lanes overlap with a prime feeding area for migrating blue whales off Santa Barbara."

Source: LA Times, 08/08/2014


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