Water & Oceans

June 2, 2014 to June 30, 2014

Climate Science Connections: Water in the West

This free interactive and self-paced course is built around panel discussions with hydrologists, policy makers, engineers, and science educators. In the course we explore challenges for water management in the Western US both at a large scale — using the Colorado River Basin Watershed as an example — and at small scale – using the Boulder Creek watershed as an example where flooding occurred on the heels of drought and wildfire damage.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Drilling and Water Interests Clash on Disposal Wells"

"In the heart of Texas' mineral-rich Eagle Ford Shale, freshwater isn't the only precious resource for both oil companies and local communities. Brackish groundwater aquifers are also becoming increasingly valuable — as potential drinking water supplies, and also as locations for disposing wastewater from drilling and hydraulic fracturing."

Source: Texas Tribune, 05/22/2014


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