Water & Oceans

"Groups Want Broad EPA Probe of Tainted Texas Water"

"HOUSTON -- More than 80 environmental groups on Monday demanded a broad investigation into whether the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency behaved improperly when it abruptly dropped enforcement actions against a gas driller it had accused of contaminating water in Texas."

Source: AP, 02/12/2013

Justice Asks Judge for Documents Showing How BP Low-Balled Oil Flow

"The Justice Department on Wednesday asked a federal judge in New Orleans to require BP to produce documents that outline how it low-balled the amount of oil flowing into the Gulf of Mexico from its Macondo well in 2010. The estimates were sent to the Coast Guard and Congress."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 02/01/2013

Enviros Threaten To Sue 3 Coal Plants for Polluting Chesapeake Rivers

"A trio of environmental groups warned Monday they would sue the operator of three coal-fired power plants in Maryland for allegedly discharging excessive amounts of nutrient pollution into Chesapeake Bay rivers and trying to mask their violations by transferring pollution 'credits' among facilities."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 01/29/2013

PFOS: "3M Pollution Study Finds Mixed Results

"Levels of PFOS, a chemical manufactured by 3M Co. for a variety of commercial uses until about 10 years ago, have improved significantly in the Mississippi River between Hastings and St. Paul -- except for the area around the company's Cottage Grove plant, where they have worsened."

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, 01/29/2013


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