Water & Oceans

June 3, 2010

Water Matters! Global Water Conference

The United Nations Environment Programme appointed Pittsburgh to be North America's Host for World Environment Day (WED) 2010. This event is part of Pittsburgh's answer to the call.


"Plans Percolate To Revive Some SF Native Creeks"

"'Daylighting" of urban creeks is being embraced in cities throughout the world. Seattle, Portland, Ore., Yonkers, N.Y., Providence, R.I., as well as Zurich are among many places reopening long hidden waterways. Resurrecting old creeks can help remove hundreds of millions of gallons of storm water from sewer systems each year -- meaning fewer sewage spills and cleaner water."

Source: AP, 04/26/2010

"Oil Rig Blast Prompts Environmental Concerns"

"As hope dimmed for the lives of 11 crew members missing since a drilling rig exploded in flames in the Gulf of Mexico, authorities turned their focus to controlling an oil spill that could threaten the fragile ecosystem of the Louisiana and Mississippi coasts." Latest news accounts vary on how much oil, if any, may still be seeping to
the surface from the deepwater well.

Source: AP, 04/23/2010
May 3, 2010 to May 7, 2010

Global Oceans Conference 2010

Focus will be on three main themes: 1) Ensuring Survival: Oceans, Climate and Security; 2) Preserving Life: Marine Biodiversity; and 3) Improving Governance at National and Regional Levels and in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.

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